
Art Of Code

Software and Data Science

sql, cheatsheet

The Ultimate SQL SELECT Cheat Sheet

SQL, with its vast array of commands and clauses, can be daunting to remember every detail. Here I will share a useful cheat sheet to write the most common SELECT queries.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
3 min read
ctf, overthewire, bandit, writeups

Bandit Level 23 → Level 24

Welcome back, in this level we will learn some basics of privilege escalation by abusing cron jobs.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
ctf, overthewire, bandit, writeups

Bandit Level 22 → Level 23

In this level, we'll navigate through the uses of cron jobs and bash scripting to find hidden files on a linux system.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
ctf, overthewire, bandit, writeups

Bandit Level 21 → Level 22

Welcome back, to the Bandit challenges! In this level, we'll learn to exploit cron jobs and bashscript files.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
ctf, bandit, overthewire, writeups

Bandit Level 20 → Level 21

Welcome back tothe OverTheWire Bandit challenges. In this level, we encounter a scenario involving networking and data transfer.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
ctf, bandit, overthewire, writeups

Bandit Level 19→ Level 20

Greetings, Welcome back to the OverTheWire Bandit challenges. In this level, we are presented with a custom binary that has to be exploited to get secret information.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
ctf, writeups, overthewire, bandit

Bandit Level 18→ Level 19

In this level, we'll learn about SSH connections, command execution, and file retrieval.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
bandit, overthewire, ctf, writeups

Bandit Level 17 → Level 18

Greetings, Welcome back to the OverTheWire Bandit challenges. In this level, we're learning more about secure shell (SSH) and cryptographic keys.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
bandit, ctf, overthewire, writeups

Bandit Level 16→ Level 17

In this level of the OverTheWire Bandit challenges, we'll learn how to scan for open ports and establish an SSL connection to retrieve the flag for the next level.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
software, blog, linux, alias, bash, gists, git

Unleashing Git Aliases: A Guide to Boosting Linux Productivity

One tool that stands out in the linux domain is the use of aliases, and when it comes to version control with Git, they become even more valuable.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
2 min read
bandit, overthewire, ctf, writeups

Bandit Level 15→ Level 16

Welcome to another level of the OverTheWire Bandit challenges! In this level, we will continue our journey to enhance our Linux and ethical hacking skills.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read
ctf, bandit, overthewire, writeups

Bandit Level 14→ Level 15

We're back in the Bandit wargame, in this level where we'll deal with Secure Shell (SSH) and privilege escalation.
Christian Páez
Christian Páez
1 min read