Automate binary execution at Startup with BASH

Automate binary execution at Startup with BASH

Automating the startup of frequently used binaries can save time and streamline your workflow. This blog post introduces a simple Bash script that adds specified binaries to a function that executes them every time you start your computer.

Benefits of Automating Program Execution at Startup:

  1. Efficiency: Automating the startup of commonly used programs reduces manual steps and ensures your environment is ready with minimal effort.
  2. Consistency: Ensures that necessary programs and scripts are always running without the need to remember and manually start them each time.
  3. Productivity: Frees up mental bandwidth, allowing you to focus on your tasks rather than setting up your environment every time you boot your computer.
  4. Learning: Writing and modifying Bash scripts enhances your scripting skills and deepens your understanding of system startup processes.

The Script:

Our Bash script automates the process of executing binaries when our system starts, we made a function that takes a list of binaries and executes them, this will be added to your .bashrc file:

function startup() {

    check_binary() {
        local binary=$1
        if [ -x "$binary" ]; then
            echo "Found binary: $binary, executing..."
            "$binary" & disown
            echo "Binary not found or not executable: $binary"

    for binary in "${BINARIES[@]}"; do
        check_binary "$binary"

Instructions for Using the Script:

After you boot up your system, just type the function name in a terminal:


You can also execute a gist that adds the function automatically to your .bashrc file, you can then modify the BINARIES and use the function on system boot up:

curl -L | bash